Becoming an eco-church
We're an accredited eco-church with A Rocha - ensuring we are doing all we can to look after our world in any way we can.

We will be holding our FREE Eco-Fest on
Saturday 21 September 2024 10am to 2pm
Stalls | Information | Displays | Speakers | Children's Activities | Tea and Coffee
Everyone welcome!
Help us celebrate and learn more about what local Barnsley groups are doing to help save our planet!
An initiative of the Methodist Church Barnsley North West.

This award will help us monitor and ensure we are doing all we can to express our care for God’s world in our worship and teaching; in how you look after your buildings and land; in how you engage with your local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of our congregation.
Eco Church is an A Rocha UK Project that began in 2016 in partnership with others, offering an environmental award scheme for churches in England and Wales. It has been a huge success, inspiring and assisting churches as they seek to embed creation care throughout the whole of church life. Today, Eco Church is spreading around the world as different A Rocha national organisations and their partners find ways to engage churches in creation care.

There are lots of actions we're working through to ensure we're doing the right things, were working to reduce our impact on the world and were increasing our positive impact on our communities. Below is just a snapshot of the things we have done recently!
Bird boxes have been recently decorated and added to the church garden by the Roots group!
The garden areas are well managed by a group of willing volunteers working with Twiggs; we have shrubs and trees to encourage bugs and birds; we have a ‘wild’ area and we keep our use of pesticides to an absolute minimum.
Your lifestyle pledges are being projected at services, to remind us, as individuals, of what we promised.
FairTrade is an important aspect of sustainability and we have been a Fair Trade (FT) Church for many years.
We have reflected, in worship, on the challenges and responsibilities we carry, with several recent services focusing on caring for and not exploiting, the planet. We were recently urged to be ‘prophetic’ about this and tell others about our concerns, including not just our friends and neighbours but our politicians too.
Our action plans include such things as purchasing eco-friendly cleaning products and toilet rolls, using a grant from the NWC to develop our mission to demonstrate our care for the planet. We are in discussion about how we can recycle most of our rubbish at EMC.
We ask everyone to try to purchase Fairly Traded goods at their local supermarket, as often as possible.
We are working with the Sheffield District of the Methodist Church to facilitate a building survey to identify ways in which we might make our building more eco-friendly. Once we receive reports we will work to help us make the changes through applying for grants which will help EMC to be a more sustainable building.
In this process we are fulfilling our Christian commitment to care for our world - and the people in it - in as many ways as we can.
’The earth is the Lord’s; it is ours to enjoy it, ours, as God’s stewards, to farm and defend.
From its pollution, misuse and destruction, good Lord, deliver us, world without end!….’ (StF 727)
Please do your bit as often as possible…check out our pledge guide below for pledges made so far and together we WILL make a difference.