Thanks to everyone who joined us in our time together as an Emmanuel family after the service in October. We had some really valuable suggestions, feedback and comments and particular thanks to all those who were able to share updates on behalf of the groups or activities they serve. We have some amazing things happening in and around Emmanuel - and we hope we can continue to serve in this way, build on this, and help people meet God, make friends, and live life better!
We asked for input on three key things:
1. The Sunday service time
2. Plans for Christmas
3. How we support each other pastorally
Following our time together we gave others who were unable to make it the opportunity to feedback virtually or at the next service. This has now been collated and reviewed.
1. We’re pleased to tell you that overwhelmingly the vote was to continue with our service at 10am. This was noted in our Leadership Meeting and we now wanted to confirm that our standard services will stay at 10am moving forward.
2. Christmas dates have been confirmed and booked in. The circuit plan is being confirmed at the moment and advertising will be out in the next two weeks so everyone is aware of all our Christmas plans.
3. Ideas have been shared and discussed with Rev Lyn and Debbie Evans around pastoral support and this will be continued to be worked through with everyone’s input. Please continue to feedback on this and what you feel we could all do more to support each other.
We’re looking forward to catching up again in 2024!